Before any analysis can be done, data must be organized in a way that is easy to work with. Data shaping is arranging your data into a format that is ready for visualization and analysis. In this chapter, we will go over some of the most common situations using base R commands as well as very popular packages data.table and dplyr.
Data selection involves removing/choosing/reordering rows or columns, removing or assigning missing values and similar.
Subsetting is choosing rows and/or collums we want to keep or drop. It is one of the daily tools. Using dataset iris which is already pre-installed in R. As you can see, iris dataset has data on length and width of sepals and petals. Say you do not need all the information: you want to drop sepal length and width but keep the remaining columns. In addition, say you want to keep only those irises that have a petal length greater than 2, and remove those that have petal length shorter than 2. This can be done as follows:
## Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
## 1 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 setosa
## 2 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 setosa
## 3 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 setosa
## 4 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 setosa
## 5 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 setosa
## 6 5.4 3.9 1.7 0.4 setosa
# METHOD 1: base R
columns_we_want = c("Petal.Length", "Petal.Width", "Species")
rows_we_want = iris$Petal.Length > 2
new_data1a=iris[rows_we_want, columns_we_want, drop = FALSE]
new_data1b=iris[iris$Petal.Length>2, -c(1,2), drop = FALSE]
new_data1c=iris[iris$Petal.Length>2, 3:5, drop = FALSE]
head(new_data1a) # check new_data1b and new_data1c to see that they are identical to new_data1a
## Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
## 51 4.7 1.4 versicolor
## 52 4.5 1.5 versicolor
## 53 4.9 1.5 versicolor
## 54 4.0 1.3 versicolor
## 55 4.6 1.5 versicolor
## 56 4.5 1.3 versicolor
# METHOD 2: data.table
iris_data.table =
columns_we_want = c("Petal.Length", "Petal.Width", "Species")
rows_we_want = iris_data.table$Petal.Length > 2
iris_data.table = iris_data.table[rows_we_want , ..columns_we_want]
## Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
## 1: 4.7 1.4 versicolor
## 2: 4.5 1.5 versicolor
## 3: 4.9 1.5 versicolor
## 4: 4.0 1.3 versicolor
## 5: 4.6 1.5 versicolor
## 6: 4.5 1.3 versicolor
# METHOD 2: dplyr
iris_dplyr <- iris %>%
select(., Petal.Length, Petal.Width, Species) %>%
filter(., Petal.Length > 2)
## Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
## 1 4.7 1.4 versicolor
## 2 4.5 1.5 versicolor
## 3 4.9 1.5 versicolor
## 4 4.0 1.3 versicolor
## 5 4.6 1.5 versicolor
## 6 4.5 1.3 versicolor
We often also want to remove rows for which key variables are missing. Let’s look at an example using dataset msleep from package ggplot2.
## name genus vore order
## Length:83 Length:83 Length:83 Length:83
## Class :character Class :character Class :character Class :character
## Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character
## conservation sleep_total sleep_rem sleep_cycle
## Length:83 Min. : 1.90 Min. :0.100 Min. :0.1167
## Class :character 1st Qu.: 7.85 1st Qu.:0.900 1st Qu.:0.1833
## Mode :character Median :10.10 Median :1.500 Median :0.3333
## Mean :10.43 Mean :1.875 Mean :0.4396
## 3rd Qu.:13.75 3rd Qu.:2.400 3rd Qu.:0.5792
## Max. :19.90 Max. :6.600 Max. :1.5000
## NA's :22 NA's :51
## awake brainwt bodywt
## Min. : 4.10 Min. :0.00014 Min. : 0.005
## 1st Qu.:10.25 1st Qu.:0.00290 1st Qu.: 0.174
## Median :13.90 Median :0.01240 Median : 1.670
## Mean :13.57 Mean :0.28158 Mean : 166.136
## 3rd Qu.:16.15 3rd Qu.:0.12550 3rd Qu.: 41.750
## Max. :22.10 Max. :5.71200 Max. :6654.000
## NA's :27
# METHOD 1: base R
clean_base_1a=msleep[complete.cases(msleep), , drop = FALSE]
## [1] 20
clean_base_1b = na.omit(msleep)
## [1] 20
# METHOD 2: data.table
msleep_data.table <-
clean_data.table = msleep_data.table[complete.cases(msleep_data.table), ]
## [1] 20
# METHOD 2: dplyr
clean_dplyr <- msleep %>%
filter(., complete.cases(.))
## [1] 20
Sometimes we want to sort or control what order our data rows are in. While for some data it is not relevant, in other cases it may be essential (time series). Perhaps the data came to us unsorted, or sorted for a purpose other than ours. Sorting is relatively straightforward. Example below shows how we can sort data, count cumulative sum and craete a conditional cumulative sum.
purchases = wrapr::build_frame(
"day", "hour", "n_purchase" |
1 , 9 , 5 |
2 , 9 , 3 |
2 , 11 , 5 |
1 , 13 , 1 |
2 , 13 , 3 |
1 , 14 , 1 )
#Alternatively, you could type data using data.frame command
purchases = data.frame(day=c(1,2,2,1,2,1),
# METHOD 1: base R
## Cumulative sum
order_index <- with(purchases, order(day, hour))
purchases_ordered <- purchases[order_index, , drop = FALSE]
purchases_ordered$running_total <- cumsum(purchases_ordered$n_purchase)
## day hour n_purchase running_total
## 1 1 9 5 5
## 4 1 13 1 6
## 6 1 14 1 7
## 2 2 9 3 10
## 3 2 11 5 15
## 5 2 13 3 18
## Cumulative sum by day
order_index2 <- with(purchases, order(day, hour))
purchases_ordered2 <- purchases[order_index2, , drop = FALSE]
data_list2 <- split(purchases_ordered2, purchases_ordered2$day)
data_list2 <- lapply(
function(di) {
di$running_total_by_day <- cumsum(di$n_purchase)
purchases_ordered2 <-, data_list2)
rownames(purchases_ordered2) <- NULL
## day hour n_purchase running_total_by_day
## 1 1 9 5 5
## 2 1 13 1 6
## 3 1 14 1 7
## 4 2 9 3 3
## 5 2 11 5 8
## 6 2 13 3 11
# METHOD 2: data.table
## Cumulative sum
DT_purchases <-
order_cols <- c("day", "hour")
setorderv(DT_purchases, order_cols)
DT_purchases[ , running_total := cumsum(n_purchase)]
## Cumulative sum by day
DT_purchases <-[order(day, hour),
.(hour = hour,
n_purchase = n_purchase,
running_total = cumsum(n_purchase)),
by = "day"]
# METHOD 3: dplyr
## Cumulative sum
res <- purchases %>%
arrange(., day, hour) %>%
mutate(., running_total = cumsum(n_purchase))
## Cumulative sum by day
res <- purchases %>%
arrange(., day, hour) %>%
group_by(., day) %>%
mutate(., running_total = cumsum(n_purchase)) %>%
Basic Data Transformations cover adding columns, renaming columns, and parametric programming.
Adding a new column is simple. To make this example more interesting, let’s add another column that combines the day and month and represents it as a date in a new column. We could run the following commands.
# METHOD 1: base R
airquality_with_date = airquality
airquality_with_date$date = with(airquality_with_date,as.Date(paste0("1973","-",Month,"-",Day)))
## alternatively
# airquality_with_date$date=as.Date(paste0("1973","-",airquality_with_date$Month,"-",airquality_with_date$Day))
airquality_with_date =airquality_with_date[,c("Ozone", "date"),drop = FALSE]
## Ozone date
## 1 41 1973-05-01
## 2 36 1973-05-02
## 3 12 1973-05-03
## 4 18 1973-05-04
## 5 NA 1973-05-05
## 6 28 1973-05-06
# METHOD 1b: using base R and package wrapr
## Let's also remove rows with missing values
airquality %.>%
transform(., date = as.Date(paste0("1973","-",Month,"-",Day))) %.>%
subset(., !, select = c("Ozone", "date")) %.>%
## Ozone date
## 1 41 1973-05-01
## 2 36 1973-05-02
## 3 12 1973-05-03
## 4 18 1973-05-04
## 6 28 1973-05-06
## 7 23 1973-05-07
# METHOD 2: data.table
DT_airquality <-[
, date := as.Date(paste0("1973","-",Month,"-",Day)) ][
, c("Ozone", "date")]
## Ozone date
## 1: 41 1973-05-01
## 2: 36 1973-05-02
## 3: 12 1973-05-03
## 4: 18 1973-05-04
## 5: NA 1973-05-05
## 6: 28 1973-05-06
# METHOD 3: dplyr
airquality_with_date2 <- airquality %>%
mutate(., date = as.Date(paste0("1973","-",Month,"-",Day))) %>%
select(., Ozone, date)
## Ozone date
## 1 41 1973-05-01
## 2 36 1973-05-02
## 3 12 1973-05-03
## 4 18 1973-05-04
## 5 NA 1973-05-05
## 6 28 1973-05-06
As you can see, there are some missing values. Say, you want to include the previous reading into the missing entry. That is if day 10 reading is missing, let it equal to the reading from day 9. This can be done multiple ways.
# METHOD 1: base R
airquality_corrected = airquality_with_date
indeces_of_NAs = which($Ozone))
for (i in 1:length(indeces_of_NAs)){
# METHOD 1b: using base R and package zoo
airquality_corrected$OzoneCorrected2 <-
na.locf(airquality_corrected$Ozone, na.rm = FALSE)
## Ozone date OzoneCorrected1 OzoneCorrected2
## 1 41 1973-05-01 41 41
## 2 36 1973-05-02 36 36
## 3 12 1973-05-03 12 12
## 4 18 1973-05-04 18 18
## 5 NA 1973-05-05 18 18
## 6 28 1973-05-06 28 28
## 7 23 1973-05-07 23 23
## 8 19 1973-05-08 19 19
## 9 8 1973-05-09 8 8
## 10 NA 1973-05-10 8 8
## 11 7 1973-05-11 7 7
## 12 16 1973-05-12 16 16
## 13 11 1973-05-13 11 11
## 14 14 1973-05-14 14 14
## 15 18 1973-05-15 18 18
## 16 14 1973-05-16 14 14
## 17 34 1973-05-17 34 34
## 18 6 1973-05-18 6 6
## 19 30 1973-05-19 30 30
## 20 11 1973-05-20 11 11
## 21 1 1973-05-21 1 1
## 22 11 1973-05-22 11 11
## 23 4 1973-05-23 4 4
## 24 32 1973-05-24 32 32
## 25 NA 1973-05-25 32 32
## 26 NA 1973-05-26 32 32
## 27 NA 1973-05-27 32 32
## 28 23 1973-05-28 23 23
## 29 45 1973-05-29 45 45
## 30 115 1973-05-30 115 115
## 31 37 1973-05-31 37 37
## 32 NA 1973-06-01 37 37
## 33 NA 1973-06-02 37 37
## 34 NA 1973-06-03 37 37
## 35 NA 1973-06-04 37 37
## 36 NA 1973-06-05 37 37
## 37 NA 1973-06-06 37 37
## 38 29 1973-06-07 29 29
## 39 NA 1973-06-08 29 29
## 40 71 1973-06-09 71 71
## 41 39 1973-06-10 39 39
## 42 NA 1973-06-11 39 39
## 43 NA 1973-06-12 39 39
## 44 23 1973-06-13 23 23
## 45 NA 1973-06-14 23 23
## 46 NA 1973-06-15 23 23
## 47 21 1973-06-16 21 21
## 48 37 1973-06-17 37 37
## 49 20 1973-06-18 20 20
## 50 12 1973-06-19 12 12
## 51 13 1973-06-20 13 13
## 52 NA 1973-06-21 13 13
## 53 NA 1973-06-22 13 13
## 54 NA 1973-06-23 13 13
## 55 NA 1973-06-24 13 13
## 56 NA 1973-06-25 13 13
## 57 NA 1973-06-26 13 13
## 58 NA 1973-06-27 13 13
## 59 NA 1973-06-28 13 13
## 60 NA 1973-06-29 13 13
## 61 NA 1973-06-30 13 13
## 62 135 1973-07-01 135 135
## 63 49 1973-07-02 49 49
## 64 32 1973-07-03 32 32
## 65 NA 1973-07-04 32 32
## 66 64 1973-07-05 64 64
## 67 40 1973-07-06 40 40
## 68 77 1973-07-07 77 77
## 69 97 1973-07-08 97 97
## 70 97 1973-07-09 97 97
## 71 85 1973-07-10 85 85
## 72 NA 1973-07-11 85 85
## 73 10 1973-07-12 10 10
## 74 27 1973-07-13 27 27
## 75 NA 1973-07-14 27 27
## 76 7 1973-07-15 7 7
## 77 48 1973-07-16 48 48
## 78 35 1973-07-17 35 35
## 79 61 1973-07-18 61 61
## 80 79 1973-07-19 79 79
## 81 63 1973-07-20 63 63
## 82 16 1973-07-21 16 16
## 83 NA 1973-07-22 16 16
## 84 NA 1973-07-23 16 16
## 85 80 1973-07-24 80 80
## 86 108 1973-07-25 108 108
## 87 20 1973-07-26 20 20
## 88 52 1973-07-27 52 52
## 89 82 1973-07-28 82 82
## 90 50 1973-07-29 50 50
## 91 64 1973-07-30 64 64
## 92 59 1973-07-31 59 59
## 93 39 1973-08-01 39 39
## 94 9 1973-08-02 9 9
## 95 16 1973-08-03 16 16
## 96 78 1973-08-04 78 78
## 97 35 1973-08-05 35 35
## 98 66 1973-08-06 66 66
## 99 122 1973-08-07 122 122
## 100 89 1973-08-08 89 89
## 101 110 1973-08-09 110 110
## 102 NA 1973-08-10 110 110
## 103 NA 1973-08-11 110 110
## 104 44 1973-08-12 44 44
## 105 28 1973-08-13 28 28
## 106 65 1973-08-14 65 65
## 107 NA 1973-08-15 65 65
## 108 22 1973-08-16 22 22
## 109 59 1973-08-17 59 59
## 110 23 1973-08-18 23 23
## 111 31 1973-08-19 31 31
## 112 44 1973-08-20 44 44
## 113 21 1973-08-21 21 21
## 114 9 1973-08-22 9 9
## 115 NA 1973-08-23 9 9
## 116 45 1973-08-24 45 45
## 117 168 1973-08-25 168 168
## 118 73 1973-08-26 73 73
## 119 NA 1973-08-27 73 73
## 120 76 1973-08-28 76 76
## 121 118 1973-08-29 118 118
## 122 84 1973-08-30 84 84
## 123 85 1973-08-31 85 85
## 124 96 1973-09-01 96 96
## 125 78 1973-09-02 78 78
## 126 73 1973-09-03 73 73
## 127 91 1973-09-04 91 91
## 128 47 1973-09-05 47 47
## 129 32 1973-09-06 32 32
## 130 20 1973-09-07 20 20
## 131 23 1973-09-08 23 23
## 132 21 1973-09-09 21 21
## 133 24 1973-09-10 24 24
## 134 44 1973-09-11 44 44
## 135 21 1973-09-12 21 21
## 136 28 1973-09-13 28 28
## 137 9 1973-09-14 9 9
## 138 13 1973-09-15 13 13
## 139 46 1973-09-16 46 46
## 140 18 1973-09-17 18 18
## 141 13 1973-09-18 13 13
## 142 24 1973-09-19 24 24
## 143 16 1973-09-20 16 16
## 144 13 1973-09-21 13 13
## 145 23 1973-09-22 23 23
## 146 36 1973-09-23 36 36
## 147 7 1973-09-24 7 7
## 148 14 1973-09-25 14 14
## 149 30 1973-09-26 30 30
## 150 NA 1973-09-27 30 30
## 151 14 1973-09-28 14 14
## 152 18 1973-09-29 18 18
## 153 20 1973-09-30 20 20
# METHOD 2: data.table
DT_airquality[, OzoneCorrected := na.locf(Ozone, na.rm=FALSE)]
# METHOD 3: dplyr
airquality_with_date %>%
mutate(.,OzoneCorrected = na.locf(., na.rm = FALSE))
## Ozone date OzoneCorrected.Ozone
## 1 41 1973-05-01 41 1973-05-01
## 2 36 1973-05-02 36 1973-05-02
## 3 12 1973-05-03 12 1973-05-03
## 4 18 1973-05-04 18 1973-05-04
## 5 NA 1973-05-05 18 1973-05-05
## 6 28 1973-05-06 28 1973-05-06
## 7 23 1973-05-07 23 1973-05-07
## 8 19 1973-05-08 19 1973-05-08
## 9 8 1973-05-09 8 1973-05-09
## 10 NA 1973-05-10 8 1973-05-10
## 11 7 1973-05-11 7 1973-05-11
## 12 16 1973-05-12 16 1973-05-12
## 13 11 1973-05-13 11 1973-05-13
## 14 14 1973-05-14 14 1973-05-14
## 15 18 1973-05-15 18 1973-05-15
## 16 14 1973-05-16 14 1973-05-16
## 17 34 1973-05-17 34 1973-05-17
## 18 6 1973-05-18 6 1973-05-18
## 19 30 1973-05-19 30 1973-05-19
## 20 11 1973-05-20 11 1973-05-20
## 21 1 1973-05-21 1 1973-05-21
## 22 11 1973-05-22 11 1973-05-22
## 23 4 1973-05-23 4 1973-05-23
## 24 32 1973-05-24 32 1973-05-24
## 25 NA 1973-05-25 32 1973-05-25
## 26 NA 1973-05-26 32 1973-05-26
## 27 NA 1973-05-27 32 1973-05-27
## 28 23 1973-05-28 23 1973-05-28
## 29 45 1973-05-29 45 1973-05-29
## 30 115 1973-05-30 115 1973-05-30
## 31 37 1973-05-31 37 1973-05-31
## 32 NA 1973-06-01 37 1973-06-01
## 33 NA 1973-06-02 37 1973-06-02
## 34 NA 1973-06-03 37 1973-06-03
## 35 NA 1973-06-04 37 1973-06-04
## 36 NA 1973-06-05 37 1973-06-05
## 37 NA 1973-06-06 37 1973-06-06
## 38 29 1973-06-07 29 1973-06-07
## 39 NA 1973-06-08 29 1973-06-08
## 40 71 1973-06-09 71 1973-06-09
## 41 39 1973-06-10 39 1973-06-10
## 42 NA 1973-06-11 39 1973-06-11
## 43 NA 1973-06-12 39 1973-06-12
## 44 23 1973-06-13 23 1973-06-13
## 45 NA 1973-06-14 23 1973-06-14
## 46 NA 1973-06-15 23 1973-06-15
## 47 21 1973-06-16 21 1973-06-16
## 48 37 1973-06-17 37 1973-06-17
## 49 20 1973-06-18 20 1973-06-18
## 50 12 1973-06-19 12 1973-06-19
## 51 13 1973-06-20 13 1973-06-20
## 52 NA 1973-06-21 13 1973-06-21
## 53 NA 1973-06-22 13 1973-06-22
## 54 NA 1973-06-23 13 1973-06-23
## 55 NA 1973-06-24 13 1973-06-24
## 56 NA 1973-06-25 13 1973-06-25
## 57 NA 1973-06-26 13 1973-06-26
## 58 NA 1973-06-27 13 1973-06-27
## 59 NA 1973-06-28 13 1973-06-28
## 60 NA 1973-06-29 13 1973-06-29
## 61 NA 1973-06-30 13 1973-06-30
## 62 135 1973-07-01 135 1973-07-01
## 63 49 1973-07-02 49 1973-07-02
## 64 32 1973-07-03 32 1973-07-03
## 65 NA 1973-07-04 32 1973-07-04
## 66 64 1973-07-05 64 1973-07-05
## 67 40 1973-07-06 40 1973-07-06
## 68 77 1973-07-07 77 1973-07-07
## 69 97 1973-07-08 97 1973-07-08
## 70 97 1973-07-09 97 1973-07-09
## 71 85 1973-07-10 85 1973-07-10
## 72 NA 1973-07-11 85 1973-07-11
## 73 10 1973-07-12 10 1973-07-12
## 74 27 1973-07-13 27 1973-07-13
## 75 NA 1973-07-14 27 1973-07-14
## 76 7 1973-07-15 7 1973-07-15
## 77 48 1973-07-16 48 1973-07-16
## 78 35 1973-07-17 35 1973-07-17
## 79 61 1973-07-18 61 1973-07-18
## 80 79 1973-07-19 79 1973-07-19
## 81 63 1973-07-20 63 1973-07-20
## 82 16 1973-07-21 16 1973-07-21
## 83 NA 1973-07-22 16 1973-07-22
## 84 NA 1973-07-23 16 1973-07-23
## 85 80 1973-07-24 80 1973-07-24
## 86 108 1973-07-25 108 1973-07-25
## 87 20 1973-07-26 20 1973-07-26
## 88 52 1973-07-27 52 1973-07-27
## 89 82 1973-07-28 82 1973-07-28
## 90 50 1973-07-29 50 1973-07-29
## 91 64 1973-07-30 64 1973-07-30
## 92 59 1973-07-31 59 1973-07-31
## 93 39 1973-08-01 39 1973-08-01
## 94 9 1973-08-02 9 1973-08-02
## 95 16 1973-08-03 16 1973-08-03
## 96 78 1973-08-04 78 1973-08-04
## 97 35 1973-08-05 35 1973-08-05
## 98 66 1973-08-06 66 1973-08-06
## 99 122 1973-08-07 122 1973-08-07
## 100 89 1973-08-08 89 1973-08-08
## 101 110 1973-08-09 110 1973-08-09
## 102 NA 1973-08-10 110 1973-08-10
## 103 NA 1973-08-11 110 1973-08-11
## 104 44 1973-08-12 44 1973-08-12
## 105 28 1973-08-13 28 1973-08-13
## 106 65 1973-08-14 65 1973-08-14
## 107 NA 1973-08-15 65 1973-08-15
## 108 22 1973-08-16 22 1973-08-16
## 109 59 1973-08-17 59 1973-08-17
## 110 23 1973-08-18 23 1973-08-18
## 111 31 1973-08-19 31 1973-08-19
## 112 44 1973-08-20 44 1973-08-20
## 113 21 1973-08-21 21 1973-08-21
## 114 9 1973-08-22 9 1973-08-22
## 115 NA 1973-08-23 9 1973-08-23
## 116 45 1973-08-24 45 1973-08-24
## 117 168 1973-08-25 168 1973-08-25
## 118 73 1973-08-26 73 1973-08-26
## 119 NA 1973-08-27 73 1973-08-27
## 120 76 1973-08-28 76 1973-08-28
## 121 118 1973-08-29 118 1973-08-29
## 122 84 1973-08-30 84 1973-08-30
## 123 85 1973-08-31 85 1973-08-31
## 124 96 1973-09-01 96 1973-09-01
## 125 78 1973-09-02 78 1973-09-02
## 126 73 1973-09-03 73 1973-09-03
## 127 91 1973-09-04 91 1973-09-04
## 128 47 1973-09-05 47 1973-09-05
## 129 32 1973-09-06 32 1973-09-06
## 130 20 1973-09-07 20 1973-09-07
## 131 23 1973-09-08 23 1973-09-08
## 132 21 1973-09-09 21 1973-09-09
## 133 24 1973-09-10 24 1973-09-10
## 134 44 1973-09-11 44 1973-09-11
## 135 21 1973-09-12 21 1973-09-12
## 136 28 1973-09-13 28 1973-09-13
## 137 9 1973-09-14 9 1973-09-14
## 138 13 1973-09-15 13 1973-09-15
## 139 46 1973-09-16 46 1973-09-16
## 140 18 1973-09-17 18 1973-09-17
## 141 13 1973-09-18 13 1973-09-18
## 142 24 1973-09-19 24 1973-09-19
## 143 16 1973-09-20 16 1973-09-20
## 144 13 1973-09-21 13 1973-09-21
## 145 23 1973-09-22 23 1973-09-22
## 146 36 1973-09-23 36 1973-09-23
## 147 7 1973-09-24 7 1973-09-24
## 148 14 1973-09-25 14 1973-09-25
## 149 30 1973-09-26 30 1973-09-26
## 150 NA 1973-09-27 30 1973-09-27
## 151 14 1973-09-28 14 1973-09-28
## 152 18 1973-09-29 18 1973-09-29
## 153 20 1973-09-30 20 1973-09-30
One other popular trick with data, especially when there are multiple readings of the same variable, is to coalesce them into one. For example, if there are multiple reading for the same variable, you may choose to keep the first reading of the variable. If the variable readings differ, you may want to consider averaging, or figuring out why the readings differ in the first place, and then choose the most appropriate method.
data <- wrapr::build_frame(
"time", "sensor1", "sensor2", "sensor3" |
1L , NA , -0.07528 , -0.07528 |
2L , NA , -0.164 , NA |
3L , NA , -0.8119 , -0.8119 |
4L , NA , NA , -0.461 |
5L , NA , NA , NA )
# METHOD 1: base R - custom for this problem
for (i in 1:nrow(data)){
if (sum([i,2:4]))==length(data[i,2:4])){
} else {
data$reading0[i] = as.numeric(data[i,1+ind])
# METHOD 2: wrapr
data$reading = data$sensor1 %?% data$sensor2 %?% data$sensor3 %?% 0.0
Very often, we need to combine many rows in a summary row. A summary gives a succinct information about the data that we are working with. That can be done using a variety of ways. See below using dataset iris.
## Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
## 1 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 setosa
## 2 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 setosa
## 3 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 setosa
## 4 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 setosa
## 5 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 setosa
## 6 5.4 3.9 1.7 0.4 setosa
# METHOD 1: base R - custom for this problem
# you can use tapply(), aggregate(), tabulate(), or table())
m1=aggregate(Petal.Length ~ Species, data = iris, mean)
m2=aggregate(Petal.Width ~ Species, data = iris, mean)
m_final = merge(m1,m2,by="Species")
# METHOD 2: data.table
iris_data.table <-
iris_data.table <- iris_data.table[,
.(Petal.Length = mean(Petal.Length),
Petal.Width = mean(Petal.Width)),
by = .(Species)]
# METHOD 3: dplyr
iris %>% group_by(., Species) %>%
Petal.Length = mean(Petal.Length),
Petal.Width = mean(Petal.Width)) %>%
ungroup(.) -> iris.summary
## # A tibble: 3 x 3
## Species Petal.Length Petal.Width
## <fct> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 setosa 1.46 0.246
## 2 versicolor 4.26 1.33
## 3 virginica 5.55 2.03
Most data scientists sooner or later run into combining multiple sources of data. Datasets can be combined by row or column, depending on the datasets. For example, you may have one dataset that contains prices for one day, and another dataset that contains prices for another day. In this case, you could combine by row.
productTable <- wrapr::build_frame(
"productID", "price" |
"p1" , 9.99 |
"p2" , 16.29 |
"p3" , 19.99 |
"p4" , 5.49 |
"p5" , 24.49 )
salesTable <- wrapr::build_frame(
"productID", "sold_store", "sold_online" |
"p1" , 6 , 64 |
"p2" , 31 , 1 |
"p3" , 30 , 23 |
"p4" , 31 , 67 |
"p5" , 43 , 51 )
productTable2 <- wrapr::build_frame(
"productID", "price" |
"n1" , 25.49 |
"n2" , 33.99 |
"n3" , 17.99 )
productTable$productID <- factor(productTable$productID)
productTable2$productID <- factor(productTable2$productID)
# METHOD 1: base R - custom for this problem
rbind_base = rbind(productTable,productTable2)
# METHOD 2: data.table
## productID price
## 1: p1 9.99
## 2: p2 16.29
## 3: p3 19.99
## 4: p4 5.49
## 5: p5 24.49
## 6: n1 25.49
## 7: n2 33.99
## 8: n3 17.99
# METHOD 3: dplyr
## productID price
## 1 p1 9.99
## 2 p2 16.29
## 3 p3 19.99
## 4 p4 5.49
## 5 p5 24.49
## 6 n1 25.49
## 7 n2 33.99
## 8 n3 17.99
Combining by columns is also relatively straightforward. This is typically done, when for the same variables in both datasets, we have different columns in each.
# METHOD 1: base R - custom for this problem
cbind(productTable, salesTable[, -1])
## productID price sold_store sold_online
## 1 p1 9.99 6 64
## 2 p2 16.29 31 1
## 3 p3 19.99 30 23
## 4 p4 5.49 31 67
## 5 p5 24.49 43 51
# METHOD 2: data.table
cbind(,[, -1]))
## productID price sold_store sold_online
## 1: p1 9.99 6 64
## 2: p2 16.29 31 1
## 3: p3 19.99 30 23
## 4: p4 5.49 31 67
## 5: p5 24.49 43 51
# METHOD 3: dplyr
# list of data frames calling convention
dplyr::bind_cols(list(productTable, salesTable[, -1]))
## productID price sold_store sold_online
## 1 p1 9.99 6 64
## 2 p2 16.29 31 1
## 3 p3 19.99 30 23
## 4 p4 5.49 31 67
## 5 p5 24.49 43 51
Often, we have different data about the same units in different data sets. We can easily combine different data tables. The final data table will have all the columns from each dataset. The most important/common join for the data scientist is likely the left join. This join keeps every row from the left table and adds columns coming from matching rows in the right table. When there are no matching rows, NA values are substituted in.
productTable <- wrapr::build_frame(
"productID", "price" |
"p1" , 9.99 |
"p3" , 19.99 |
"p4" , 5.49 |
"p5" , 24.49 )
salesTable <- wrapr::build_frame(
"productID", "unitsSold" |
"p1" , 10 |
"p2" , 43 |
"p3" , 55 |
"p4" , 8 )
# METHOD 1: base R - custom for this problem
merge(productTable, salesTable, by = "productID", all.x = TRUE)
## productID price unitsSold
## 1 p1 9.99 10
## 2 p3 19.99 55
## 3 p4 5.49 8
## 4 p5 24.49 NA
# METHOD 2a: data.table
productTable_data.table <-
salesTable_data.table <-
# index notation for join idea is rows are produced for each row inside the []
salesTable_data.table[productTable_data.table, on = "productID"]
## productID unitsSold price
## 1: p1 10 9.99
## 2: p3 55 19.99
## 3: p4 8 5.49
## 4: p5 NA 24.49
# METHOD 2b: data.table
joined_table <- productTable
joined_table$unitsSold <- salesTable$unitsSold[match(joined_table$productID,
# METHOD 3: dplyr
left_join(productTable, salesTable, by = "productID")
## productID price unitsSold
## 1 p1 9.99 10
## 2 p3 19.99 55
## 3 p4 5.49 8
## 4 p5 24.49 NA
There are many other types of merging one would run into. For example, we may want to merge two tables into a single table, keeping only the rows where the key exists in both tables.
productTable <- wrapr::build_frame(
"productID", "price" |
"p1" , 9.99 |
"p3" , 19.99 |
"p4" , 5.49 |
"p5" , 24.49 )
salesTable <- wrapr::build_frame(
"productID", "unitsSold" |
"p1" , 10 |
"p2" , 43 |
"p3" , 55 |
"p4" , 8 )
# METHOD 1: base R - custom for this problem
merge(productTable, salesTable, by = "productID")
## productID price unitsSold
## 1 p1 9.99 10
## 2 p3 19.99 55
## 3 p4 5.49 8
# METHOD 2: data.table
productTable_data.table <-
salesTable_data.table <-
merge(productTable, salesTable, by = "productID")
## productID price unitsSold
## 1 p1 9.99 10
## 2 p3 19.99 55
## 3 p4 5.49 8
# METHOD 3: dplyr
inner_join(productTable, salesTable, by = "productID")
## productID price unitsSold
## 1 p1 9.99 10
## 2 p3 19.99 55
## 3 p4 5.49 8
Finally, we can merge two tables into a single table, keeping rows for all key values. Notice the two tables have equal importance here.
# METHOD 1: base R - custom for this problem
merge(productTable, salesTable, by = "productID", all=TRUE)
## productID price unitsSold
## 1 p1 9.99 10
## 2 p2 NA 43
## 3 p3 19.99 55
## 4 p4 5.49 8
## 5 p5 24.49 NA
# METHOD 2: data.table
productTable_data.table <-
salesTable_data.table <-
merge(productTable_data.table, salesTable_data.table,
by = "productID", all = TRUE)
## productID price unitsSold
## 1: p1 9.99 10
## 2: p2 NA 43
## 3: p3 19.99 55
## 4: p4 5.49 8
## 5: p5 24.49 NA
# METHOD 3: dplyr
full_join(productTable, salesTable, by = "productID")
## productID price unitsSold
## 1 p1 9.99 10
## 2 p3 19.99 55
## 3 p4 5.49 8
## 4 p5 24.49 NA
## 5 p2 NA 43
Consider this more complicated example in which you have bid/ask quotes and trade prices. Find for which times the trade price were within the bid and ask ranges.
quotes <- data.table(
bid = c(5, 5, 7, 8),
ask = c(6, 6, 8, 10),
bid_quantity = c(100, 100, 100, 100),
ask_quantity = c(100, 100, 100, 100),
when = as.POSIXct(strptime(
c("2018-10-18 1:03:17",
"2018-10-18 2:12:23",
"2018-10-18 2:15:00",
"2018-10-18 2:17:51"),
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
trades <- data.table(
trade_id = c(32525, 32526),
price = c(5.5, 9),
quantity = c(100, 200),
when = as.POSIXct(strptime(
c("2018-10-18 2:13:42",
"2018-10-18 2:19:20"),
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")))
# Range Join
trades[, trade_price := price]
quotes[, `:=`(bid_price = bid, ask_price = ask) ]
quotes[trades, on = .(bid <= price, ask >= price) ][
, .(when, bid, ask, bid_price, trade_price, ask_price, trade_id) ]
## when bid ask bid_price trade_price ask_price trade_id
## 1: 2018-10-18 01:03:17 5.5 5.5 5 5.5 6 32525
## 2: 2018-10-18 02:12:23 5.5 5.5 5 5.5 6 32525
## 3: 2018-10-18 02:17:51 9.0 9.0 8 9.0 10 32526
# Rolling Join
quotes[ , quote_time := when ]
trades[, trade_time := when]
quotes[ trades, on = "when", roll = TRUE ][
, .(quote_time, bid_price, trade_price, ask_price, trade_id, trade_time) ]
## quote_time bid_price trade_price ask_price trade_id
## 1: 2018-10-18 02:12:23 5 5.5 6 32525
## 2: 2018-10-18 02:17:51 8 9.0 10 32526
## trade_time
## 1: 2018-10-18 02:13:42
## 2: 2018-10-18 02:19:20
Let’s examine an example of how to convert the data from wide format to long format. Instead of having multiple readings (driverskilled, front, rear) for a specific date in one row, we may want to have each of these in separate rows. This is sometimes needed for other packages, such as ggpot2. See example below.
Seatbelts1 <- data.frame(Seatbelts)
Seatbelts1$date <- index(as.xts(Seatbelts))
Seatbelts1 <- Seatbelts1[ (Seatbelts1$date >= as.yearmon("Jan 1982")) &
(Seatbelts1$date <= as.yearmon("Dec 1983")), , drop = FALSE]
Seatbelts1$date <- as.Date(Seatbelts1$date)
Seatbelts1$law <- ifelse(Seatbelts1$law==1, "new law", "pre-law")
Seatbelts1 <- Seatbelts1[, c("date", "DriversKilled", "front", "rear", "law")]
## date DriversKilled front rear law
## 157 1982-01-01 115 595 238 pre-law
## 158 1982-02-01 104 673 285 pre-law
## 159 1982-03-01 131 660 324 pre-law
## 160 1982-04-01 108 676 346 pre-law
## 161 1982-05-01 103 755 410 pre-law
## 162 1982-06-01 115 815 411 pre-law
# METHOD 1: tidyr
seatbelts_long1 <- gather(
key = victim_type,
value = nvictims,
DriversKilled, front, rear)
# METHOD 2: data.table
seatbelts_long2 <-,
id.vars = NULL,
measure.vars = c("DriversKilled", "front", "rear"), = "victim_type", = "nvictims")
# METHOD 3: data.table
seatbelts_long3 <- unpivot_to_blocks(
nameForNewKeyColumn = "victim_type",
nameForNewValueColumn = "nvictims",
columnsToTakeFrom = c("DriversKilled", "front", "rear"))
In other cases, we may want to do the reverse: move from tall to wide format.
ChickWeight <- data.frame(ChickWeight) # get rid of attributes
ChickWeight$Diet <- NULL # remove the diet label
# pad names with zeros
padz <- function(x, n=max(nchar(x))) gsub(" ", "0", formatC(x, width=n))
# append "Chick" to the chick ids
ChickWeight$Chick <- paste0("Chick", padz(as.character(ChickWeight$Chick)))
ChickSummary <-
ChickSummary <- ChickSummary[,
.(count = .N,
weight = mean(weight),
q1_weight = quantile(weight, probs = 0.25),
q2_weight = quantile(weight, probs = 0.75)),
by = Time]
## Time count weight q1_weight q2_weight
## 1: 0 50 41.06000 41 42
## 2: 2 50 49.22000 48 51
## 3: 4 49 59.95918 57 63
## 4: 6 49 74.30612 68 80
## 5: 8 49 91.24490 83 102
## 6: 10 49 107.83673 93 124
# METHOD 1: tidyr
ChickWeight_wide1 <- spread(ChickWeight,
key = Time,
value = weight)
## Chick 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 21
## 1 Chick01 42 51 59 64 76 93 106 125 149 171 199 205
## 2 Chick02 40 49 58 72 84 103 122 138 162 187 209 215
## 3 Chick03 43 39 55 67 84 99 115 138 163 187 198 202
## 4 Chick04 42 49 56 67 74 87 102 108 136 154 160 157
## 5 Chick05 41 42 48 60 79 106 141 164 197 199 220 223
## 6 Chick06 41 49 59 74 97 124 141 148 155 160 160 157
# METHOD 2: data.table
ChickWeight_wide2 <-,
Chick ~ Time,
value.var = "weight")
# METHOD 3: data.table
ChickWeight_wide3 <- pivot_to_rowrecs(
columnToTakeKeysFrom = "Time",
columnToTakeValuesFrom = "weight",
rowKeyColumns = "Chick")
Zumel, N., & Mount, J. (2014). Practical Data Science With R. Manning Publications Co.
Wooldridge, J. (2019). Introductory econometrics: a modern approach. Boston, MA: Cengage.